Frequently asked questions.
This greatly depends on your jurisdiction. In most locations, we recommend finding your Grand Lodge. Otherwise we recommend using trusted sources such as our own section named Lodges, or the United Grand Lodge of England’s website. Theres also sites such as Be A Freemason.
Like most things, this is also dependent on your Jurisdiction. Most areas require you to be a male, of age (18+ or 21+), have a belief in a supreme being, and be of good moral character.
You get out what you put in. There is no benefit in the sense of money, houses, vehicles, fame, etc. It is within you, that riches come. Heart, mind, and soul.
Freemasonry is a beautiful system of morality, veiled in allegory, and illustrated by symbols. A Brotherhood of men under the Fatherhood of God. A charitable fraternity. With so much more to offer than just a neat ancient title.
No, but it does require Brothers to have a belief in a Supreme Being to whom all men are accountable. However, no specific religion is required.
No, the G.A.O.T.U. is to encompass all Brothers faiths and beliefs. It stands for the "Great Architect of the Universe," whomever that may be to you.
He’s friendly, but he’s also just used in memes. There really aren't any goats involved in anything. Some Lodges have gone to the extent of having Brothers bring goats to events for laughs though.
Absolutely not. This is a lie from conspiracy theorists. One can join a Lodge and see for themselves.
Operative Masons existed for thousands of years, since time memorial. Speculative Masons began with organized Freemasonry in 1717, with the founding of the United Grand Lodge of England.
No, we are not. The Bavarian Illuminati hasn’t existed since around the 1780’s. Masons could join, and they could be Masons, at the time. But it was never a part of Freemasonry, and Freemasonry was never a part of it. Though, you’d have a hard time convincing some theorists of that fact, today.
There is no one answer for this. It always stems back to hateful propaganda, boredom, politics, corruption, control, oppression, and many other factors.
F&AM: Free and Accepted Masons
AF&AM: Ancient Free and Accepted Masons
SRRS: Scottish Rite Research Society
AASR: Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite
YR: York Rite
RARA: Royal Arch Research Association
TNLOR: Tennessee Lodge of Research